[ Creed Discuss ] Re: Re: NCR You know what I think???

From: "The Choquettes" <mbchoqu@vgernet.net>
To: <creed-discuss@debbir.com>
Date: Thu
4 Jul 2002 19:42:50 -0400

Okay Joe,
What the fuck? Why do you feel the need to start shit with
me? You havin' a fifth on the Fourth too?
To think...I was actually starting to like you.
So, you find me nauseating, huh? Good.
Michele C.
----- Original Message -----
From: Joe Earles <earles@ATTBI.COM>
> I really don't understand why no one complains about
> Michele Arnold
 and that Choke-ette psycho when
> on their worst day they each spew more venom than Debbi
> ever has on her best. I find both of them nauseating.

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